Umami Community Newsletter, 05/07

2 min readMay 7, 2023

Umami’s first week of May has been an important and exciting time. First we published the Treasury Report for the Month of April updating the community of its performance and breaking down other key metrics such as opex/yield paid to Marinators. Decentralized law firm Milady & Milady has also submitted an initial proposal to begin the discussion of indemnity for Umami’s Multisig operators. The community will also be pleased to hear the dev team is hard at work making the necessary preparations for the upcoming live testing phase with Treasury funds and we expect to make an announcement regarding that very soon!


Next AMA TBA, will be discussing initial insights of the Vault and what comes next!

mUMAMI Deposited = 393,300 (Down 2.23% WoW)

cmUMAMI Deposited = 211,100 (Up 2.12% WoW)

Rewards pushed to stakers this week = 3.20 ETH

Total rewards pushed to stakers = 418.93 ETH

(Supply and ETH numbers quoted at time of writing on 05/07)

Happy Marinating Folks! 🍔




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