Umami Community Newsletter, 05/21

2 min readMay 21, 2023


Umami has spent the week introducing a new DAO vote on Snapshot to indemnify Multisig operators, supporting our Arbitrum protocol frens and most importantly making phenomenal progress testing our upcoming Deconstructed GLP Vaults before the much anticipated allocation of Treasury assets up to the approved $1,000,000. The community will also be getting a walkthrough of our Vault UI in the coming days where we will guide you through what the Vault page will look like and how to use it when we launch!


Our next AMA will be scheduled for shortly after the Treasury deposit to highlight initial results/insights for the Community.

mUMAMI Deposited = 421,900 (Up 5.05% WoW)

cmUMAMI Deposited = 221,000 (Up 1.93% WoW)

Rewards pushed to stakers this week = 2.66 ETH

Total rewards pushed to stakers = 423.43 ETH

(Supply and ETH numbers quoted at time of writing on 05/21)

Happy Marinating Folks! 🍔

